
財(cái)稅實(shí)務(wù) 高薪就業(yè) 學(xué)歷教育

安卓版本:8.7.11 蘋果版本:8.7.11





F6 稅法 預(yù)習(xí)篇

來(lái)源: 正保會(huì)計(jì)網(wǎng)校 編輯: 2014/06/19 14:45:08 字體:


一. The UK tax system

1. The overall function and purpose of taxation in a modern economy;

2. Different types of taxes;

3. Principal sources of revenue law and practice;

4. Tax avoidance and tax evasion。

二. Income tax liabilities

1. The scope of income tax;

2. Income from employment;

3. Income from self-employment;

4. Property and investment income;

5. The comprehensive computation of taxable income and income tax liability;

6. The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimizing income tax liabilities。

三. Corporation tax liabilities

1. The scope of corporation tax;

2. Taxable total profits;

3. The comprehensive computation of corporation tax liability;

4. The effect of a group corporate structure for corporation tax purposes;

5. The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimizing corporation tax liabilities。

四. Chargeable gains

1. The scope of the taxation of capital gains;

2. The basic principles of computing gains and losses;

3. Gains and losses on the disposal of movable and immovable property;

4. Gains and losses on the disposal of shares and securities;

5. The computation of capital gains tax payable by individuals;

6. The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimizing tax liabilities arising on the disposal of capital assets。

五. Inheritance tax

1. The scope of inheritance tax;

2. The basic principles of computing transfers of value;

3. The liabilities arising on chargeable lifetime transfers and on the death of an individual;

4. The use of exemptions in deferring and minimizing inheritance tax liabilities;

5. Payment of inheritance tax。

六. National insurance contributions

1. The scope of national insurance;

2. Class 1 and Class 1A contributions for employed persons;

3. Class 2 and Class 4 contributions for self-employed persons。

七. Valued added tax

1. The scope of value added tax (VAT);

2. The VAT registration requirements;

3. The computation of VAT liabilities;

4. The effect of special schemes。

八. The obligations of taxpayers and/or their agents

1. The systems for self-assessment and the making of returns;

2. The time limits for the submission of information, claims and payment of tax, including payments on account;

3. The procedures relating to compliance checks, appeals and disputes;

4. Penalties for non-compliance。

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