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2012-07-20 14:34 來源:職業(yè)培訓教育網(wǎng) 打印 | 收藏 |

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  When I was in my teens(十幾歲)and 20s,hitchhiking was a main form of long-distance transport.The kindness or curiosity of strangers(51)me all over Europe,North America,Asia and southern Africa.Some of the lift-givers became friends,many provided hospitality(52)the road.

  Not only did you find out much more about a country than(53)traveling by train or plane,but also there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night.Hitchhiking featured importantly in Western culture.It has books and songs about it.So what has happened to (54)?

  A few years ago,I asked the same question about hitchhiking in a column on a newspaper.(55)of people from all over the world responded with their view on the state of hitchhiking.

  "If there is a hitchhiker's (56)it must be lran,"came one reply.Rural lreland was recommended as a friendly place for hitchhiking,(57)was Quebec,Canada-"if you don't mind being berated(嚴厲指責)for not speaking French."

  But while hitchhiking was clearly still alive and well in many parts of the world,the (58)feeling was that throughout much of the west it was doomed(消亡).

  With so much news about crime in the media,people assumed that anyone on the open road without the money for even a bus ticket must present a danger.But do we(59)to be so wary both to hitchhike and to give a lift?

  In Poland in the 1960s,(60)a Polish woman who e-mailed me,"the authorities introduced the Hitchhiker's Booklet.The booklet contained coupons for drivers,so each time a driver(61)somebody,he or she received a coupon.At the end of the season,(62)who had picked up the most hikers were rewarded with various prizes.Everybody was hitchhiking then."

  Surely this is a good idea for society.Hitchhiking would increase respect by breaking down(63)between strangers.It would help fight(64)warming by cutting down on fuel consumption as hitchhikers would be using existing fuels.It would also improve eductional standards by delivering instant(65)in geography,history,politics and sociology.

  51.A.made B.took C.traveled D.crossed

  52.A.above B.over C.at D.on

  53.A.when B.after C.before D.until

  54.A.the books B.them C.it D.the songs

  55.A.Hundreds B.Hundred C.Thousand D.Dozen

  56.A.sky B.space C.map D.heaven

  57.A.like B.as C.for D.since

  58.A.big B.large C.general D.little

  59.A.have to B.must C.should D.need

  60.A.according to B.owing to C.due to D.with respect to

  61.A.sent B.picked up C.selected D.brought

  62.A.passengers B.hikers C.drivers D.strangers

  63.A.fences B.barriers C.gaps D.stones

  64.A.global B.total C.entire D.whole

  65.A.discussions B.debates C.consultations D.lessons

  答案:51.B 52.D 53.A 54.C 55.A56.D 57.B 58.C 59.D 60.A61.B 62.C 63.B 64.A 65.D


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學員:王仁芝 我去年7月開始差不多從零學起,堅持到考試,考了72分,十分感謝老師及網(wǎng)校的輔導!

學員:lilizhangx 職稱英語通過了!畢業(yè)10年了,沒怎么接觸英語,跟著周涵老師學習,一次通過!

學員:張洪杰 首先感謝周涵老師,好多年沒有學習了,經(jīng)過老師的講解順利過關,這已經(jīng)出乎我的預料,真的很激動,終于沒讓老師們失望,通過了,很高興。

學員:xsqxxlxzj 十多年沒有學習過英語了,通過職業(yè)培訓教育網(wǎng)3個多月的學習,83分通過職稱英語綜合C級考試,非常感謝周涵老師,謝謝您!

學員:best888zhou 畢業(yè)以后就沒有翻過英語了,丟了有七年了,雖然以前基礎還不錯,但這次真的是沒有信心,過年后開始復習,用了差不多一個月的時間,B級綜合考了80分,很開心,謝謝周涵老師的細致講解!








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