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2011-02-14 09:24 來源:正保會計網(wǎng)校 打印 | 收藏 |

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Friends May Be Key to Living Longer

  Looking for the secret of a long life? Look closely at your friends. New research suggests that having a strong network of friends helps people live longer.

  "Older people with better social networks of friends were less likely to ________(51)over a 10-year follow-up (隨訪) period than older people with ________ (52) friends networks," Lynne C. Giles of Flinders University in Australia told Reuters Health.

  But in what may come as a surprising finding to older people ________(53) rely on their children and other relatives, having a large network of relatives was not associated with longer life, according________ (54) Giles and her colleagues.

  "Of course, that is not to say that social networks ________ (55) children and other relatives are not important in many other ways," Giles said.

  Study after study has shown that elderly people who ________ (56) connected with lots of people tend to live longer lives. ________ (57), few studies have examined whether different types of relationships - with friends, partners, children and________ (58) relatives - have different effects on longevity (長壽).

  Giles's team set out to examine the relationship between various types of social networks and________ (59) in a group of almost 1,500 Australians who were at least 70 years________ (60). Volunteers answered________ (61) about their social networks and then were followed for 10 years.

  The researchers took into account several factors that could have influenced how long a person lived, ________ (62) sex, age, health and smoking status.

  What the study showed was________ (63) older people who reported better social networks of friends were________ (64) likely to be alive at the end of the study than people with fewer friends.

  But relationships with children and other relatives did not have________ (65) effect on survival in the study.

  51 A live B die C work D stay

  52 A stronger B larger C newer D poorer

  53 A which B whom C those D who

  54 A at B to C on D by

  55 A by B on C of D in

  56 A is B are C was D were

  57 A However B Once C Further D Moreover

  58 A older B richer C some D other

  59 A loneliness B longevity C activity D happiness

  60 A big B long C old D ago

  61 A doubts B questions C studies D tests

  62 A taking B including C accepting D offering

  63 A if B when C this D that

  64 A less B more C very D most

  65 A each B every C an D all


51 B 52 D 53 D 54 B 55 C
56 B 57 A 58 D 59 B 60 C
61 B 62 B 63 D 64 B 65 C

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