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2010-11-25 17:56 來源:正保會計網(wǎng)校 打印 | 收藏 |

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  1. I want to provide my boys with a decent education.





  2.Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth.





  3. Steep stairs can present a particular hazard to older people.





  4.The project required ten years of diligent research.



  C. social

  D. hardworking

  5.The two banks have announced plans to merge next year.

  A. break

  B. close



  6. He demolished my argument in minutes.

  A. disproved




  7.Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners.





  8. Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone.

  A. moderate

  B. equal

  C. great

  D. immediate

  9. He was rather vague about the reasons why he never finished school.

  A. unclear

  B. bad

  C. bright

  D. general

  10. He was kept in appalling conditions in prison.

  A. critical

  B. necessary

  C. normal

  D. terrible

  11. I can't put up with my neighbor's noise any longer, which is driving me mad.

  A. generate

  B. measure

  C. tolerate

  D. reduce

  12. I enjoyed the play-it had a clever plot and very funny dialogues.

  A. humorous

  B. boring

  C. long

  D. original

  13. Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day.

  A. free

  B. regular

  C. physical

  D. energetic

  14. Our arrangements were thrown into complete turmoil.

  A. relief

  B. doubt

  C. confusion

  D. failure

  15. Patricia stared at the other girls with resentment.

  A. doubt

  B. anger

  C. love

  D. surprise



  Retirement Brings Most a Big Health Boost

  The self-reported health of the newly retired improves so much that most feel eight years younger,a new European study suggests.

  This happy news was true of almost everyone except a small minority-only 2 percent-who had experienced "ideal" conditions in their working life, anyway.

  "The results really say three things: that work puts an extra burden on the health of older workers, that the effects of this extra burden are largely relieved by retirement and, finally, that both the extra burden and the relief are larger when working conditions are poor," said Hugo Westerlund,lead author of a study published online Nov. 9 in The Lancet. "This indicates that there is a need to provide opportunities for older workers to decrease the demands in their work out of concern of their health and well-being. "

  But of course, added Westerlund, who is head of epidemiology at the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University in Sweden"not all older workers suffer from poor perceived health. Many are indeed remarkably healthy and fit for work. But sooner or later, everyone has to slow down because of old age catching up. "

  Last week, the same group of researchers reported that workers slept better after retirement than before. "Sleep improves at retirement, which suggests that sleeping could be a mediator between work and perception of poor health, "Westerlund said.

  This study looked at what the same 15,000 French workers, most of them men, had to say about their own health up to seven years pre-retirement and up to seven years post-retirement.

  As participants got closer to retirement age, their perception of their own health declined, but went up again during the first year of retirement.

  Those who reported being in poorer health declined from 19. 2 percent in the year prior to retirement to 14.3 percent by the end of the first year after retiring. According to the researchers, that means post-retirement levels of poor health fell to levels last seen eight years previously.

  The changes were seen in both men and women, across different occupations, and lasted through the first seven years of not punching the clock.

  Workers who felt worse before retirement and had lower working conditions reported greater improvements as soon as they retired, the team found.

  16. Most of the newly retired feel younger and healthier than before.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  17. Older workers are generally as fit for work as younger workers.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  18. Older workers usually get on very well with younger workers.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  19. Europe is aging faster than most other parts of the globe.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  20. The study analyzed the participants' perception of their own health in a certain period.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  21. The participants came from various countries in Europe.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned

  22. The findings of the study apply to conditions all over the world.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Not mentioned



  Parkinson's Disease

  I Parkinson's disease affects the way you move. It happens when there is a problem with certain nerve cells in the brain. Normally, these nerve cells make an important chemical called dopamine (多巴胺). Dopamine sends signals to the part of your brain that controls movements. It lets your muscles move smoothly and do what you want them to do. When you have Parkinson's, these nerve cells break down. Then you no longer have enough dopamine, and you have trouble moving the way you want to.

  2 No one knows for sure what makes these nerve cells break down. But scientists are doing a lot of research to look for the answer. They are studying many possible causes, including aging and poisons in the environment. Abnormal genes seem to lead to Parkinson's disease in some people. But so far, there is not enough proof to show that it is always inherited.

  3 Tremor (顫抖) may be the first symptom you notice. It is one of the most common signs of the disease, although not everyone has it. Tremor often starts in just one arm or leg or only on one side of the body. It may be worse when you are awake but not moving the affected arm or leg. It may get better when you move the limb or you are asleep. In time, Parkinson's affects muscles all through your body, so it can lead to problems like trouble swallowing or constipation (便秘). In the laterstages of the disease, a person with Parkinson's may have a fixed or lank expression, trouble speaking, and other problems. Some people have a decrease in mental skills.

  4 At this time, there is no cure for Parkinson's disease. But there are several types of medicines that can control the symptoms and make the disease easier to live with. You may need to take several medicines to get the best results.

  23. Paragraph 1 __________.

  24. Paragraph 2 __________.

  25. Paragraph 3 __________.

  26. Paragraph 4 __________.

  A. Means of Diagnosis of the Disease

  B. Tips for Patients with the Disease

  C. Common Treatment for the Disease

  D. Definition of Parkinson's Disease

  E. Possible causes of the Disease

  F. Typical Symptoms of the Disease

  27. You'll find it hard to move the way you want to __________.

  28. A lot of research is being done to find out __________.

  29. One of the most common signs of Parkinson's is tremor__________.

  30. A person with Parkinson's has to learn to live with the disease__________.

  A. what affects muscles all through your body

  B. if there isn't enough dopamine in your body

  C. which cannot be cured yet

  D. which may be the first symptom you notice

  E. if you have a fixed or blank expression

  F. what causes Parkinson's disease




  Do Patients Trust Doctors Too Much

  Earlier this year, the American College of Surgeons, the national scientific and educational organization of surgeons conducted a nationwide survey that found that the average patient devotes an hour or less to researching his or her surgery or surgeon. While prospective patients worry about the costs or complications of an operation, they don't necessarily look for information that would address their concerns.

  In fact, more than a third of patients who had an operation in the last five years never reviewed the credentials of the surgeon who operated. Patients are more likely to spend time researching a job change (on average, about 10 hours) or a new car (8 hours) than the operation they are about to submit to or the surgeon who wields (支配) the knife. And many patients are satisfied with the answers they receive from their surgeons or primary care doctors, whoever those individuals happen to be.

  I felt curious about the survey, so I called Dr. Thomas Russell, executive director of the American College of Surgeons. "There is a tendency for patients not to get particularly involved and not to feel compelled to look into their surgery or surgeons."He told me.

  There are consequences to that kind of blind trust. "Today, medicine and surgery are really team sports." Dr. Russell continued,"and the patient, as the ultimate decision maker , is the most important member of the team. Mistakes can happen, and patients have to be educated and must understand what is going on. "

  In other words, a healthy doctor-patient relationship does not simply entail good bedside manners and responsible office management on the part of the doctor. It also requires that patients come to the relationship educated about their doctors, their illnesses and their treatment.

  "If we are truly going to reform the health care system in the US," Dr.Russell said,"everybody has to participate actively and must educate themselves. That means doctors, nurses, other health care professionals, lawyers pharmaceutical (制藥的) companies, and insurance companies. But most of all, it means the patient."

  Trust is important. But as Sir Francis Bacon, who was among the first to understand the importance of gathering data in science, once observed , knowledge is power.

  31. According to the author, patients should spend more time _________.

  A. researching the American College of Surgeons

  B. researching their surgery or surgeons

  C. researching new cars

  D. researching job changes

  32. Nowadays patients seem to have _________.

  A. too much trust in their doctors

  B. too much information about their doctors

  C. too little faith in their doctors

  D. a healthy relationship with their doctors

  33. Medicine and surgery are now really team sports in which _________.

  A. patients and doctors play equally important roles

  B. the patient does not have an active role to play

  C. doctors have the final say in almost everything

  D. the patient has the most important role to play

  34. It is wrong to think that a healthy doctor-patient relationship _________.

  A. is dependent just on the doctor

  B. is a goal that can be achieved

  C. entails any effort on the part of the patient

  D. is what the patient truly desires

  35. The author does NOT believe in_________.

  A. lots of scientific data

  B. Francis Bacon

  C. blind trust

  D. too much knowledge


  CT Scans and Lung Cancer

  Small or slow-growing nodules (小結(jié)節(jié)) discovered on a lung scan are unlikely to develop into tumors over the next two years, researchers reported on Wednesday.

  The findings reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, could help doctors decide when to do more aggressive testing for lung cancer. They could also help patients avoid unnecessarily aggressive and potentially harmful testing when lesions (損傷) found.

  Lung cancer, the biggest cancer killer in the United States and globally, is often not diagnosed until it has spread. It kills 159,000 people a year in the United States alone.

  The work is part of a larger effort to develop guidelines to help doctors decide what to do when such growths, often discovered by accident, appear in a scan.

  High-tech (高技術(shù)的) X-rays called CT scans can detect tumors-but they see all sorts of other blobs (模糊的一團 ) that are not tumors, and often the only way to tell the difference is to take a biopsy (活檢), a dangerous procedure.

  At the moment, routine lung cancer screening is considered impractical because of its high cost and because too many healthy people are called back for further testing.

  Good guideline could help make lung cancer screening practical, Dr. Rob van Kiaveren of the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, who led the new study, said in a telephone interview.

  The team looked at7,557 people at high risk for lung cancer because they were current and former smokers. All received multidetector (多層螺旋) CT scans that measured the size of any suspicious-looking modules.

  Volunteers who had nodules over 9.7 mm in width, or had growth of 4.6 mm that grew fast enough to more than double in volume every 400 days, were sent for further testing. Of the 196 people who fell into that category, 70 were found to have lung cancer,10 additional cases were found years later.

  But of the 7, 361 who tested negative during screening only 20 lung cancer cases later developed.

  In a second round of screening done one year after the first, 1.8 percent were sent to the doctor because they had a nodule that was large or fast-growing. More than half turned out to have lung cancer.

  The result means that if the screening test says you don't have lung cancer, you probably don't,the researcher said. "The chances of finding lung cancer one and two years after a negative first-round test were l in l,000 and 3 in l,000 respectively, " they concluded.

  36. The new study indicates that in case of small or slow-growing lung nodules_________.

  A. you cannot be too careful

  B. cancer is just matter of time

  C. a biopsy is unnecessary

  D. more aggressive testing is a must

  37. Which is probably NOT true of lung cancer?

  A. Smokers are usually considered to be at high risk for it.

  B. It is the leading cause of cancer deaths around the world.

  C. 159,000 new cases of it are diagnosed in the US each year.

  D. It often goes unnoticed until it has spread.

  38. According to the passage, good guidelines for lung cancer screening ________.

  A. are a little bit too costly

  B. do not exist yet

  C. are being implemented

  D. have been developed

  39. All the following statements are true EXCEPT________.

  A. a relatively small number of the volunteers had large or fast-growing nodules

  B. almost all those with large or fast-growing nodules were found to have lung cancer

  C. all the volunteers were at high risk for lung cancer

  D. most of the volunteers tested negative during screening

  40. In the eyes of the researchers the percentages given in the last paragraph ________.

  A. are somewhat inaccurate

  B. are pretty small

  C. are rather high

  D. are quite unbelievable


  The Iceman

  On a September day in 1991, two Germans were climbing the mountains between Austria and Italy, high up on a mountain pass, they found the body of a man lying on the ice. At that height (10,499 feet, or 3,200 meters), the ice is usually permanent, but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountain ice had melted more than usual and so the body had come to the surface.

  It was lying face downward. The skeleton(骨架) was in perfect condition, except for a wound in the head. There was still skin on the bones and the remains of some clothes. The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feet there were very simple leather and cloth boots. Nearby was a pair of gloves made of tree bark (樹皮) and a holder for arrows.

  Who was this man? How and when had he died? Everybody had a different answer to these questions. Some people thought that it was from this century, perhaps the body of a soldier who died in World War I, since several soldiers had already been found in the area. A Swiss woman believed it might be her father, who had died in those mountains twenty years before and whose body had never been found. The scientists who rushed to look at the body thought it was probably much older,maybe even a thousand years old.

  With modern dating techniques, the scientists soon learned that the Iceman was about 5,300 years old. Born in about 3300 BC, he lived during the Bronze Age in Europe. At first scientists thought he was probably a hunter who had died from an accident in the high mountains. More recent evidence, however, tells a different story. A new kind of X-ray shows an arrowhead still stuck in his shoulder. It left only a tiny hole in his skin, but it caused internal damage and bleeding. He almostcertainly died from this wound, and not from the wound on the back of his head. This means that he was probably in some kind of a battle. It may have been part of a larger war, or he may have been fighting bandits. He may even have been a bandit himself.

  By studying his clothes and tools, scientists have already learned a great deal from the iceman about the times he lived in. We may never know the full story of how he died, but he has given us important clues to the history of those distant times.

  41. The body of the iceman was found in the mountains mainly because _________.

  A. the melted ice made him visible

  B. he was just on a mountain pass

  C. two Germans were climbing the mountains

  D. he was lying on the ice

  42. What can be inferred from paragraph2?

  A. The Iceman was struck dead from behind.

  B. The Iceman could have died from the wound in the head.

  C. The Iceman was killing while working.

  D. The Iceman lived a poor life.

  43. All the following are assumptions once made about the Iceman EXCEPT _________.

  A. he was a Swiss woman's long-lost father

  B. he came from Italy

  C. he was a soldier in World War I

  D. he was born about a thousand years ago

  44. The scientists made the deduction that the Iceman _________.

  A. had got a wound on the back of his head

  B. had a tiny hole in his skin causing his death

  C. was hit in the shoulder by an arrowhead

  D. was probably in some' kind of a battle

  45. The word "bandits" in paragraph 4 could be best replaced by _________.

  A. soldiers

  B. hunters

  C. robbers

  D. shooters



  Know Just How You Feel

  Do you feel Sad? Happy? Angry? You may think that the way you show these emotions is unique. Well, think again. Even the expression of the most personal feelings can be classified, according to Mind Reading, a DVD displaying every possible human emotion. It demonstrates 412 distinct ways in which we feel: the first visual dictionary of the human heart.

  Attempts to classify expressions began in the mid-1800s, when Darwin divided the emotions into six types-anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise and enjoyment. ________(46) Every other feeling was thought to derive from Darwin's small group. More complex expression of emotion were probably learned and therefore more specific to each culture. But now it is believed that many more facial expressions are shared worldwide. ________(47) The mind Reading DVD is a systematic visual record' of these expressions.

  The project was conducted by a C ambridge professor as an aid for people with autism (孤獨癥), who have difficulty both reading and expressing emotions. But it quickly became apparent that it had broader uses. Actors and teachers, for example, need to understand a wide range of expressions. The professor and his research team first had to define an "emotion".________(48) Using this definition, 1,512 emotion terms were identified and discussed. This list was eventually reduced t0 412, from"afraid" to"wanting".

  Once these emotions were defined and classified, a DVD seemed the clearest and most efficient way to display them. In Mind Reading, each expression is acted out by six different actors in three seconds. _________(49) The explanation for this is simple: we may find it difficult to describe emotions using words, but we instantly recognize one when we see it on someone's face."It was really clear when the actors had got it right, " says Cathy Collis, who directed the DVD. " Although they were given some direction," says Ms Collis, "the actors were not told which facial muscles they should move. _________(50) " For example, when someone feels contempt you can't say for certain that their eyebrows always go down.

  Someone who has tried to establish such rules is the American, Professor Paul Ekman, who has built a database of how the face moves for every emotion. The face can make 43 distinct muscle movements called"action units". These can be combined into more than 10, 000 visible facial shapes. Ekman has written out a pattem of facial muscular movements to represent each emotion.

  A. He said that the expression of these feelings was universal and recognizable by anyone, from any culture.

  B. Any other method of showing all the 412 emotions, such as words, would have been far less effective.

  C. Research has also been done to find out which areas of the brain read emotional expressions.

  D. They decided that it was a mental state that could be preceded by "I feel" or "he looks" or "she sounds".

  E. We thought of trying to describe each emotion, but it would have been almost impossible to make clear rules for this.

  F. These particular muscles are difficult to control, and few people can do it.



  Skin Cancer

  Melanoma (黑素瘤), the deadliest kind of skin cancer is now the most common cancer in________(51) British women, the country's leading cancer organization said Wednesday. Skin cancer has_______(52) cervical (子宮頸的) cancer as the top cancer striking women in their 20s, according to the latest data from Cancer Research United Kingdom.

  The trend is particularly _______(53) since younger people are not generally those most susceptible(易患的)to melanoma. Rates of skin cancer are _______(54)highest in people over age75.

  But experts worry that increasing numbers of younger people being diagnosed with skin cancer could be the _______(55) of a dangerous trend. Women in their 20s make _______(56) a small percentage of all patients diagnosed with melanoma in Britain, but nearly a third of all cases occur in people younger than 50.

  Based on current numbers Cancer Research UK predicts that melanoma will become the fourth_______(57) common cancer for men and women of all ages by 2024, and that cases will jump from about 9,0000 cases a year to more than 15,500.

  Cancer experts _______(58) the rising number of skin cancer cases largely to the surge in people using tanning salons. "Spending time on sun beds is just as _______(59)as staying out too long in the sun," said Caroline Cerny of Cancer Research UK. The organization is starting a SunSmart _______(60) to warn Britons of the dangers of being too bronzed.

  "The intensity of ultraviolet rays in some sun beds can be more than 10_______(61) stronger than the midday sun," Cerny said.

  In the United States, several states require parental approval _______(62) minors can use tanning salons. Wisconsin bans people 16 and _______(63) from using tanning beds, and others ban children under 14. At least 29 states have regulations governing minors use of tanning salons.

  In the UK, Scottish politicians passed legislation banning these under 18 from using tanning beds, though it hasn't yet been implemented. There are no plans for _______(64) in the rest of the UK.

  The world Health Organization has previously recommended that tanning beds be regulated because of their potential to damage DNA in the skin.

  Experts said most deadly skin cancers could be ______(65) if people took the proper precautions when in the sun and avoided tanning beds.

  51. A. young B. married C. middle-aged D. elderly

  52. A. overtaken B. overseen C. overlooked D. overwhelmed

  53. A. encouraging B. misleading C. worrying D. booming

  54. A. occasionally B. hopefully C. surprisingly D. typically

  55. A. line B. point C. turn D. start

  56. A. up B. on C. off D. to

  57. A. most B. more C. very D. much

  58. A. allocate B. associate C. contribute D. attribute

  59. A. ineffective B. dangerous C. exhausting D. comfortable

  60. A. execution B. campaign C. reaction D. conquest

  61. A. degrees B. ranks C. times D. steps

  62. A. until B. while C. before D. although

  63. A. less B. beneath C. lower D. under

  64. A. debate B. caution C. legislation D. approval

  65. A. avoided B. diagnosed C. predicted D. treated



  1. D [解析]這句話的意思是"我想給我的男孩們提供體面的教育。"句中"decent"意為"得體的,相當(dāng)好的"。四個選項中A項意為"私人的,個人的",如,The president is paying a private visit to Europe.總統(tǒng)正在對歐洲做私人訪問。B項意為"特別的,特殊的",如,She is a special friend of mine.她是我一個特別親密的朋友。C項意為"整體的,概括的",如,Please give me a general idea of the work.請告訴我這項工作的梗概。D項意為"好的",因此只有D項符合題意。

  2. B [解析]這句話的意思是"低稅收將會刺激投資并且有助于經(jīng)濟增長。"句中 "spur"意為"刺激,促進",如,What spurred her to do that?是什么促使她那么干的?四個選項中A項意為"吸引",如,The flower show attracted large crowds this year.今年的花展吸引了大批觀眾。B項意為"鼓勵"。C項意為"花費",如,How do you spend your spare time?你業(yè)余時間怎么打發(fā)?D項意為"要求",如,All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都必須出示車票。因此只有B項符合題意。

  3. C[解析]這句話的意思是"陡峭的樓梯對老年人來說是很危險的。"句中"hazard"意為"危險,危害",如,The car had its hazard warning lights on.這輛汽車亮起了危險信號燈。四個選項中A項意為"證據(jù)",如,There wasn't enough evidence to prove his guilt.沒有充分的證據(jù)能證明他有罪。B項意為"事件,案件",如,In your case,we are prepared to be lenient.根據(jù)你的情況,我們擬予以從寬處理。C項意為"危險",如,Violent criminals like that are a danger to society.那種暴力罪犯對社會是一種危害。D項意為"圖片"。因此只有C項符合題意。

  4. D [解析]這句話的意思是"這個項目需要十年的勤奮調(diào)查。"句中"diligent"意為 "勤勞的,勤奮的",如,John is more diligent than anyone else in his class.約翰比班上其他的同學(xué)用功。四個選項中A項意為"科學(xué)的",如,Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war.科學(xué)知識被濫用于破壞和戰(zhàn)爭。B項意為"基礎(chǔ)的",如,F(xiàn)ood,clothing and shelter are all basic necessities of life.衣、食、住所是生活的基本必需品。C項意為"社會的",如,Her research is centered on the social effects of unemployment.她的研究課題是失業(yè)對社會的影響。D項意為"勤勞的,刻苦的",如,He is,so to speak,a hardworking student.他可以說是個用功的學(xué)生。因此只有D項符合題意。

  5. D [解析]這句話的意思是"這兩家銀行已經(jīng)宣布了明年的合并計劃。"句中"merge"意為"合并,兼并",如,The bank merged with its major rival.該銀行與其主要對手合并了。四個選項中A項意為"打破",如,The window broke into pieces.窗戶碎成碎片。B項意為 "關(guān)閉"。C項意為"賣"。D項意為"合并",如,He combines creative imagination and true scholarship.他同時具有創(chuàng)造性想象力和真正的治學(xué)嚴(yán)謹學(xué)風(fēng)。因此只有D項符合題意。

  6. C [解析]這句話的意思是"幾分鐘內(nèi)他就批駁了我的論點。"句中"demolish"意為 "批駁,粉碎",如,Her article brilliantly demolishes his argument.她的文章精辟地批駁了他的論點。四個選項中A項意為"提出反證",如,In his latest book,he writes that the theory has been disproved.他在最近寫的書里說那種理論已被證明不正確。B項意為"接受",如,It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.吸煙有害健康,這是大家公認的。C項意為"辯駁,質(zhì)疑",如,His honesty is beyond dispute.他的誠實是無可爭議的。D項意為"支持",如, Which football team do you support?你支持哪個足球隊?因此只有C項符合題意。

  7. B [解析]這句話的意思是"她父親是位舉止優(yōu)雅、不愛說話的人。"句中"graceful" 意為"優(yōu)雅的",如,Her every movement is very graceful.她的一舉一動都很優(yōu)雅。四個選項中A項意為"相似的",如,The two buildings are similar on the whole.從整體來看,這兩幢樓是相似的。B項意為"禮貌的,文雅的",如,His polite manners bespoke the gentleman.他那彬彬有禮的舉止顯出他是個紳士。C項意為"經(jīng)常的",如,His speech followed the usual pattern.他按照通常的方式講話。D項意為"壞的"。因此只有B項符合題意。

  8. C [解析]這句話的意思是"社工的定期看望對老年人來說相當(dāng)重要。"句中"immense"意為"巨大的,廣大的",如,Her services to the state have been immense.她對國家的貢獻極大。四個選項中A項意為"適度的,中等的",如,He usually drives at a moderate speed.他通常中速駕駛。B項意為"平等的",如,Women demand equal pay for equal work.婦女要求同工同酬。C項意為"巨大的"。D項意為"立刻的",如,This work demands your immediate atten. tion.這項工作急需你立即處理。因此只有C項符合題意。

  9. A [解析]這句話的意思是"他對于沒能完成學(xué)業(yè)的原因說得非常含糊。"句中 "vague"意為"模糊的,不明確的",如,His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan.他那些模糊的想法變成了一個明確的計劃。四個選項中A項意為"不清楚的"。B項意為"壞的"。C項意為"明亮的,聰明的",如,The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.泰姬陵在明亮的月光下顯得光彩奪目。D項意為"通常的,概括的"。因此只有A項符合題意。

  10.D [解析]這句話的意思是"他被拘禁在監(jiān)獄的可怕環(huán)境里。"句中"appalling"意為 "可怕的,令人震驚的",如,Nothing can extenuate such appalling behaviour.這種駭人聽聞的行徑罪無可恕。四個選項中A項意為"批評的,挑剔的",如,The inquiry,vas critical of her work.該項調(diào)查對她的工作提出了批評。B項意為"需要的",如,Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?我真的必須參加這個會議嗎?C項意為"正常的",如,She refused to conform to the normal social conventions.她拒絕遵從正常的社會習(xí)俗。D項意為"可怕的"。因此只有D項符合題意。

  11.C[解析]這句話的意思是"我再也不能忍受鄰居的噪音了,快把我逼瘋了。"句中 "put up with"意為"忍受",如,I'm not going to put up with your cheek!我可不想容忍你這個厚臉皮。四個選項中A項意為"產(chǎn)生",如,This hatred was generated by racial prejudice.這種仇恨是由種族偏見引起的。B項意為"測量",如,He measured the length ofthe room.他量了房間的長度。C項意為"忍受",如,He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert.他忍受不住沙漠的酷熱。D項意為"降低,減少",如,He is trying to reduce the family's expenses.他正盡力減少家庭開支。因此只有C項符合題意。

  12.A[解析]這句話的意思是"我喜歡這場劇,它有巧妙的情節(jié)和令人發(fā)笑的對白。"句中"funny"意為"令人發(fā)笑的",如,He closed his speech with a funny joke.他用一則有趣的笑話結(jié)束了演講。四個選項中A項意為"幽默的",如,Indeed he has a solemn face,but he is veryhumorous at heart.他的確有一副嚴(yán)肅的臉孔。但內(nèi)心卻是很富幽默感。B項意為"枯燥的",如,This is one of the few gratifications of an otherwise boring job.這是枯燥的工作中少有的一項樂趣。C項意為"長的"。D項意為"原創(chuàng)的,最初的",如,The original picture is in the BritishMuseum.這幅畫的原作在大英博物館內(nèi)。因此只有A項符合題意。

  13.D [解析]這句話的意思是"你的狗每天需要至少20分鐘充沛的訓(xùn)練。"句中"vigorous"意為"精力充沛的,有力的",如,Though nearly 50,he was exceptionally vigorous in work.別看他快五十歲了,工作卻是雷厲風(fēng)行。四個選項中A項意為"自由的"。B項意為"定期的",如,His pulse is not very regular.他的脈搏不很規(guī)則。C項意為"體力的"。D項意為"精力充沛的",如,I like to take some energetic exercise at weekend.我喜歡在周末做些劇烈運動。因此只有D項符合題意。

  14.C [解析]這句話的意思是"我們的安排完全亂了。"句中"turmoil"意為"混亂,騷動",如,I couldn't think,my mind was in a complete turmoil.我無法思考,我的腦子里一片混亂。四個選項中A項意為"放松,減輕",如,It is a great reliefto have rain after a long time ofdrought.長期的干旱之后有雨是一大慰藉。B項意為"懷疑",如,She was beyond all doubt the finest bal. 1efina of her day.她無疑是她那個時代最優(yōu)秀的芭蕾舞演員。C項意為"混亂",如,The roomwas in confusion after the birthday party.生日晚會之后,房間里一片混亂。D項意為"失敗"。因此只有C項符合題意。

  15.B [解析]這句話的意思是"帕崔西婭憤恨地看著其她女孩。"句中"resentment"意為"怨恨,憤恨",如,An ill-tempered person is full of resentment and stubborn notions.脾氣壞的人滿懷怨恨、觀念頑固。四個選項中A項意為"懷疑"。B項意為"氣憤",如,I couldn't restrainmy anger.我無法抑制我的憤怒。C項意為"愛"。D項意為"驚訝",如,It was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.得知她結(jié)婚是件令人驚喜的事。因此只有B項符合題意。


  16.A [解析]即該句表述正確。從第一段我們知道調(diào)查顯示剛退休的人健康狀況都有好轉(zhuǎn),他們更聲稱自己年輕了8歲。而第二段告訴我們有少部分人不認為自己健康有所改善。 17.B [解析]即該句表述不正確。從第三段我們了解到工作會給年齡大的人帶來額外的負擔(dān),并且對健康有很大的影響,因此不能像要求年輕人一樣要求他們。

  18.C [解析]即文中并未提到。通讀本文,作者并未提到老年工作者與年輕工作者如何相處的話題。

  19.C [解析]即文中并未提及。文中并未談到歐洲人是否比其他地方的人老得快。


  21.B [解析]即該句表述不正確。從第五段我們知道該調(diào)查是對法國老人健康的調(diào)查。






  11月9日在網(wǎng)絡(luò)版《柳葉刀》雜志上刊登了一項研究,其主要作者Hugo westerlund說: "結(jié)果說明以下三點:(1)工作給年紀(jì)大的勞動者帶來額外的負擔(dān),(2)額外負擔(dān)對身體產(chǎn)生的影響因為退休而得到緩解,(3)在工作環(huán)境惡化的情況下身體上的額外負擔(dān)和退休所帶來的緩解都會更大。這也說明出于健康的考慮,我們需要為上年紀(jì)的工人提供機會以降低對他們工作的要求。"

  westerluncl在瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學(xué)壓力研究學(xué)院主持流行病學(xué)的研究,他同時補充說: "并不是所有年紀(jì)大的工人健康狀況都不好。很多人非常健康且適宜工作。但隨著年紀(jì)越來越大每個人早晚都得減緩生活的腳步。"








  23.D [解析]即帕金森綜合征的定義。本段的中心意思是告訴大家什么是帕金森氏綜合征。



  26.C [解析]即通常的治療方法。從本段我們知道,雖然還不能治愈,但是通過幾種藥物是可以控制患者的病癥的。



  29.D [解析]即帕金森病最常見的病癥是顫抖,它可能是你發(fā)現(xiàn)的第一個癥狀。從第三段的敘述我們知道應(yīng)該選D。

  30.C [解析]患帕金森綜合征的人必須得學(xué)會同這種疾病共處,因為現(xiàn)在人們還無法治愈它。從最后一段我們得知應(yīng)該選擇C項。










  32.A [解析]本題是理解題。從第四段我們知道,患者對醫(yī)生有一種盲目的信任。

  33.D [解析]本題是細節(jié)題。從第四段我們知道,在治療的團隊里,患者是最重要的成員。

  34.A [解析]本題是理解題。文章通篇在討論的是患者對醫(yī)生及手術(shù)缺乏了解,及健康的醫(yī)患關(guān)系應(yīng)當(dāng)包含患者的參與。因此A項提到的健康的醫(yī)患關(guān)系只依賴醫(yī)生是錯誤的,因此選A。






  我對這項調(diào)查很感興趣,因此就打電話給美國外科醫(yī)生聯(lián)合會的行政主管Thomas Russell大夫。他告訴我:"患者們確實不想?yún)⑴c過多或者不想感到被強迫著調(diào)查他們的手術(shù)或醫(yī)生。"

  這種盲目的信任會導(dǎo)致幾種結(jié)果。Thomas Russell醫(yī)生繼續(xù)說道:"今天,醫(yī)療和外科手術(shù)都是團隊協(xié)作的。而患者是最終做決定的人,是這個團隊中最重要的成員。確實會有失誤,患者必須被指導(dǎo)并且了解正在進行的事情。"






  37.C [解析]本題是細節(jié)題。選項A、B、D在文中第三和第八段中都提到過,而選項C所講的159,000人被確診肺癌不符合第二段中提到的159,000人死于肺癌的事實。

  38.D [解析]本題是細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章第四段我們知道專家們正在發(fā)展完善對醫(yī)生的指導(dǎo)方針。

  39.B [解析]本題是細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章第十一段我們知道A項正確、B項錯誤;由第八段知C項正確;由第十段知D項正確。










  荷蘭鹿特丹Erasmus醫(yī)學(xué)中心指導(dǎo)這項新研究的Rob van kiaveren醫(yī)生在電話采訪中說好的指導(dǎo)方針能讓肺癌檢查更實用。





  調(diào)查人員說,這一結(jié)果表明,如果檢查表明你沒有患肺癌,你就可能不會得。他們總結(jié)說: "在第一輪檢查后是陰性的患者一年及兩年后患肺癌的幾率是1:1000和3:1000。"



  42.B [解析]本題是理解題。根據(jù)第二段的細節(jié)描寫,我們推測他可能是因為頭上的傷而致死的。

  43.B [解析]本題是細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章第三段我們知道只有選項B沒有提及。


  45.C [解析]本題是理解題。由上下文推測該詞的意思是"強盜"。











  47.C [解析]本題考查的是對上下文之間意義關(guān)系的理解和對文章細節(jié)的把握。前面講了對人的感情表達上的研究,后面就要提到在這一領(lǐng)域其他方面的研究。

  48.D [解析]本句之前提到了教授和他的研究團隊為"情感"下定義,根據(jù)上下文的意思,推斷此句應(yīng)為情感的具體定義。這里只有D項符合題意。

  49.B [解析]后面一句是對這一句的解釋,講的是從人臉上辨認情緒要比從語言描述中辨認更容易,因此只有B項合適。







  一旦這些情感被定義和歸類,DVD成了最清楚最有效的展現(xiàn)它們的方式。在讀懂思維里,每個表情都由6個不同的演員在三秒內(nèi)完成。任何其他表現(xiàn)這412種表情的方式,例如,說話,都遠遠不如它有效。原因很簡單:我們可能覺得用話語描述感情很困難,但是我們在看到一個人臉上的表情時會立刻認出來。這部DVD的導(dǎo)演Cathy Collis說:"當(dāng)演員們表演準(zhǔn)確時表情就特別明顯。雖然他們會接受某些指導(dǎo),但是不會被確切告知動哪里的面部肌肉。"這些具體的肌肉是很難控制的,沒幾個人能做到。比如,當(dāng)人們感覺你不確定某事時,他們的眉毛總是向下。

  有人試圖創(chuàng)建一些規(guī)范,他就是美國的Paul Ekman教授。他已經(jīng)為每種表情創(chuàng)建了一個數(shù)據(jù)庫。面部可以做出43種被稱為"運動單元"的不同的肌肉動作。這些肌肉動作可以被融入10,000多個可視的面部輪廓里。Ekman已經(jīng)描述出了代表每一種情感的面部肌肉動作的模式。


  51.A [解析]由第一段的最后一句我們知道這項新發(fā)現(xiàn)是關(guān)于20多歲的年輕女子的,因此只能選A。

  52.A [解析]該句是說皮膚癌已經(jīng)超過宮頸癌成為危害20多歲女性的最大癌癥殺手。oveltake意思是"趕上,超過";oversee意思是"監(jiān)管,監(jiān)督";overlook意思是"忽略,忽視";ovetwhelm意思是"打擊,壓倒"。

  53.C [解析]該句講的是這一趨勢特別令人擔(dān)憂,因為年輕人并不是最容易患黑素瘤的人群。其他幾個選項不符合句意。encouraging"使人鼓舞的";misleading"誤導(dǎo)人的"; booming"迅速發(fā)展的"。

  54.D [解析]前一句講到年輕人患該病不同尋常,后一句肯定要講通常情況是如何的。occasionallly"偶然的";hopefully"有希望的";surprisingly"令人驚訝的";typically"通常的,典型的",因此選D。

  55.D [解析]該句的意思是專家擔(dān)心越來越多的年輕人被診斷患有皮膚癌也許是一個危險的趨勢的開始。其他選項都不符合句意。

  56.A [解析]make up是固定搭配"占……的比重";make on"在某方面獲利";make off "離開,逃走";make to沒有這種搭配。因此只能選A。

  57.A [解析]固定說法,序數(shù)詞跟形容詞或副詞最高級搭配,該句意思是英國癌癥研究會預(yù)測到2024年黑素瘤將成為所有年齡段的男性和女性中第四大癌癥。

  58.D [解析]短語attribute to的意思是"歸因于",該句講的是癌癥專家將皮膚癌病例的激增歸因于對曬黑美容沙龍偏愛人數(shù)的增多。allocate意思是"分配";associate意思是"聯(lián)系":contribute意思是"做貢獻"。

  59.B [解析]本句是說花時間躺在太陽床上跟在太陽底下待的時間太長一樣危險。ineffective意思是"無效果的";eXImusting意思是"令人精疲力竭的";comfortable意思是"令人舒服的"。

  60.B[解析]campaign意思是"運動,斗爭",該句意思是該研究會將開展聰明的太陽運動來警告那些曬得太黑的英國人。execuIion意思是"處死";reaction"反應(yīng)";conquest意思是 "擊敗,征服",都不符合句意。

  61.C [解析]該句是說一些太陽床上紫外線的密集程度是正午太陽的十倍還多。表示倍數(shù)的只有time,因此只能選C。

  62.C [解析]該句是說有幾個州要求年輕人去曬黑美容前要得到父母的允許。因此只能選C。

  63.D [解析]表示16歲以下只能用under,因此選D。

  64.C [解析]這里是拿英國的情況同美國做比較,英國除了蘇格蘭外其它地方并沒有相應(yīng)的立法。這里只能選C。

  65.A [解析]該句意思是如果人們在太陽下采取正確的防范措施或避免使用曬黑床,大部分致命的皮膚癌是可以避免的。diagnose意思是"診斷";predicte"預(yù)測";treate"治療",都不符合句意.因此選A。







  癌癥專家將皮膚癌病例的激增歸因于對曬黑美容沙龍偏愛人數(shù)的增多。英國癌癥研究會的Caroline Cemy說:"花時間躺在太陽床上跟在太陽底下待的時間太長一樣危險。"該研究會將開展聰明的太陽運動來警告那些曬得太黑的英國人。






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學(xué)員:chuhero 感謝周涵老師,職稱英語過了。我覺得應(yīng)該在這里跟老師說聲謝謝,老師的講課很實用,針對性強,是很有學(xué)習(xí)價值的課程,如果你想通過職稱英語考試,就聽周老師的課程吧。

學(xué)員:王仁芝 我去年7月開始差不多從零學(xué)起,堅持到考試,考了72分,十分感謝老師及網(wǎng)校的輔導(dǎo)!

學(xué)員:lilizhangx 職稱英語通過了!畢業(yè)10年了,沒怎么接觸英語,跟著周涵老師學(xué)習(xí),一次通過!

學(xué)員:張洪杰 首先感謝周涵老師,好多年沒有學(xué)習(xí)了,經(jīng)過老師的講解順利過關(guān),這已經(jīng)出乎我的預(yù)料,真的很激動,終于沒讓老師們失望,通過了,很高興。

學(xué)員:xsqxxlxzj 十多年沒有學(xué)習(xí)過英語了,通過職業(yè)培訓(xùn)教育網(wǎng)3個多月的學(xué)習(xí),83分通過職稱英語綜合C級考試,非常感謝周涵老師,謝謝您!

學(xué)員:best888zhou 畢業(yè)以后就沒有翻過英語了,丟了有七年了,雖然以前基礎(chǔ)還不錯,但這次真的是沒有信心,過年后開始復(fù)習(xí),用了差不多一個月的時間,B級綜合考了80分,很開心,謝謝周涵老師的細致講解!








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